Willkommen auf meiner Homepage Wolfsspitze Golden Sams


Info und Bilder











Na, wo sind denn die Welpen?





Androsch ist OPA :-)



Unsere Babys sind am 09. Mai 2010 geboren


  Brilliant Bialy von Haus Rubens




            Arctic Kees Affair v Alten Nierstal (Anton)    



 CH Dein Hards Attention Please

 CH Shamrock's Bet The Farm

 CH O'delyn Bet Your Boots

 CH Shamrock's Tempest In A Teapot

 CH Lohamra's Midnight Lady

 CH Ledwell Rolls Royce

 CH Benito's Eleganzia To Lohamra

 CH Clandara She's The One-Nz

 CH Trumpet's Break Every Rule

 CH Trumpet's Send In The Clowns

 Trumpet's Candle In The Wind

 CH Clandara Icemaiden

 CH Clandara Van Steel

 CH Clandara Rascal



HD: A/A (Excellent)

ED: A/A (Excellent)

Patella: 0/0

PHPT Negative By Descent